CS2 Pistol Stats 101: A Comprehensive Overview

In this guide, you will get a comprehensive overview of the stats and characteristics of each pistol in the Counter-Strike 2 From the Desert Eagle’s powerful one-taps to the Dual Berettas’ rapid firing rate. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each pistol and how they best can be used in different situations will give you great know-how about what pistol to buy for a certain play.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the stats and features of each pistol.

Desert Eagle

The Desert Eagle is probably the most popular pistol in CS2. It is available on both teams and costs $700. Its unique ability to make a one-tap kill, regardless of distance, is what makes it so strong. This is also why the Deagle is known for its ability to win rounds against stronger buys. With high recoil, it can be difficult to shoot quickly and accurately, so you need to be good at hitting your first shots. At the same time, it only has 7 shots in the magazine, so be careful not to miss too many shots. It’s worth noting that you move slightly slower with the Deagle, but not nearly as much as with rifles and other weapons.

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Stats overview

Price: Very Low
Damage: High
Armor penetration: Very high
First bullet accuracy: Very high
Fire rate: Low
Magazine size: Very low
Damage lost over distance: High
Recoil: Very high


The P250 pistol is on the lower end of the price range, at only $300. Both teams can buy the pistol. With a 13-bullet magazine size and only 26 in reserve, you need to be careful not to use all your shots too quickly. The P250 has lower first-bullet accuracy than the free starting pistols. However, it does more damage and has higher armor penetration. Due to its low damage dropoff, it has the ability to kill an enemy without head armor with a single bullet at very long distances. Buying the P250 can be a reasonable upgrade in pistol rounds to do more damage to enemies without head armor.

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Stats overview

Price: Very Low
Damage: Low
Armor penetration: Low
First bullet accuracy: High
Fire rate: Low
Magazine size: Low
Damage lost over distance: High
Recoil: Low

Five Seven

The Five Seven is only available on the CT side and cost $500. It’s often mentioned as a better and more powerful version of the P250 in terms of accuracy, recoil and armor penetration. It also has a bigger magazine and plenty more bullets in reserve. The pistol loses a moderate amount of damage across distance which makes it most suiteable for close to mid-range fights. The Five Seven can be a great choice in force rounds where you don’t have the money for an upgraded weapon.

CSGO pistol five seven case hardened skin

Stats overview

Price: Very Low
Damage: Low
Armor penetration: Very high
First bullet accuracy: High
Fire rate: Low
Magazine size: Low
Damage lost over distance: High
Recoil: Low


The TEC 9 can only be bought on the terrorist side and costs $500. The pistol is known for its effectiveness in fast-paced plays. With a large magazine, you can do significant damage to multiple enemies. Like the Five-Seven, the TEC 9 loses considerable damage at long range, making it better suited for close to mid-range fights. The pistol is excellent for running and shooting, making it a powerful choice when you want to rush one of the bomb sites.

CSGO pistol tec 9 decimator skin

Stats overview

Price: Very Low
Damage: Low
Armor penetration: Very high
First bullet accuracy: Very high
Fire rate: High
High Magazine size: Low
Damage lost over distance: Very high
Recoil: Low

Dual Berrettas

The Dual Berettas, also known as the Elite, is a pair of moderate power pistols that cost $300. They are available for both teams. The pistols are great for rapid firing due to the relatively high fire rate and very low fire inaccuracy. However, they have low armor penetration and lose a lot of damage across distance. The large magazine size, allows you to fire many shots in quick succession without needing to reload. The Dual Berettas are therefore a decent choice for fast-paced and close-range combats.

CSGO pistol dual berettas duelist skin

Stats overview

Price: Very Low
Damage: Low
Armor penetration: Low
First bullet accuracy: High
Fire rate: High
Magazine size: High
Damage lost over distance: Very high
Recoil: Low


The USP-S is one of the CT’s free starting pistols. A silencer is attached, which makes the pistol relatively silent and leaves no tracers when shooting. This allows you to shoot through smokes without giving away your position. If the silencer is removed, the accuracy will be reduced, and the recoil is increased. However, its other stats will remain the same. You must be careful not to waste all your shots, as you only have a total of 36 bullets. Compared to the Glock, the USP-S is stronger at long range due to its higher damage and lower damage falloff. This means it takes fewer bullets to kill an enemy.

CSGO Pistol usp kill confirmed skin

Stats overview

Price: Free
Damage: Low
Armor penetration: Low
First bullet accuracy: Very high
Fire rate: Low
Magazine size: Very low
Damage lost over distance: Low
Recoil: Low

Glock 18

The Glock is the starting pistol for terrorists. It has two firing modes: semi-automatic and burst, which shoots three bullets in a row. Shooting with burst on makes the pistol harder to control. In comparison to other pistols, the Glock has weaker firepower and poor armor penetration, making it a low-damage weapon that is best used at close range. On ECO rounds, it can be a good idea to upgrade your pistol to a P250 or TEC 9 unless you have very little money. It’s better than the USP-S at running and shooting due to its higher moving accuracy. You can also shoot more bullets per second and it has a faster reload time.

CSGO pistol glock-18 synth leaf skin

Stats overview

Price: Free
Damage: Low
Armor penetration: Very low
First bullet accuracy: Very high
Fire rate: Low
Magazine size: Low
Damage lost over distance: High
Recoil: Low

CZ75 Auto

The CZ75 is an alternative option to the TEC 9 and Five Seven. It is the only full automatic pistol in the game. It costs $500 and is the only pistol with a $100 kill reward. It holds 12 bullets per magazine and has only 12 more in reserve. It is not very effective at long range due to its high recoil and damage dropoff. However, with its high armor penetration and fire rate, it can potentially do a lot of damage at close range. If you choose to buy the CZ75, make sure to be careful with your shots and consider its strengths and weaknesses in relation to your play style.

CSGO pistol CZ75 auto emerald quartz skin

Stats overview

Price: Very Low
Damage: Low
Armor penetration: High
First bullet accuracy: High
Fire rate: High
Magazine size: Very low
Damage lost over distance: High
Recoil: High

R8 Revolver

The R8 Revolver can be switched out for the Desert Eagle on both teams. It costs $500 and is known for its huge amount of damage and low damage dropoff. However, it is slower than the Deagle. The revolver has a low capacity, holding 8 bullets per magazine and having only one magazine worth of ammo in reserve. What is unique about the Revolver is the very high accuracy when running. This makes it a deadly weapon if you know how to use it.

CSGO pistol R8 revolver fade skin

Stats overview

Price: Very Low
Damage: Very high
Armor penetration: Very high
First bullet accuracy: Very high
Fire rate: Very low
Magazine size: Very low
Damage lost over distance: Low
Recoil: Low

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