Binds are great for improving in-game performance and becoming more efficient in every action you take. This is because binds let you perform a specific action by pressing just one key. Binds are often used to access and throw grenades, improve overview and visibility, and adjust sounds and volume. Below is a list of binds you can use to improve your in-game experience and boost your performance.
Radar Zoom Bind
It can be a challenge to see on the radar exactly where your teammates are and at the same time have the full map overview. Using the bind below will let you quickly zoom in and out of your radar depending on the need of the situation.
In combat situations, you are more likely to get the advantage of a radar zoomed-in because you can better see enemy positions and their movement direction. In default rounds where your team is spread out over the map, you are more likely to get the advantage of a radar zoomed-out as you have a better overview to collect more information.
Copy the following to use T as a radar zoom bind:
bind t "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0 1 0.25"
Mute All Players bind
In clutch moments it can be useful to have total silence from your teammates that might come with unwanted information by talking too much.
This bind lets you switch between muting and unmuting all teammates in voice communication.
Copy the following to use N as a bind for muting/unmuting your teammates.
bind N "toggle cl_clutch_mode 0 1"
Jump throw bind
A jump throw bind lets you throw grenades with high consistency. The jump throw bind makes sure that the grenade gets released at the same time each time you throw one.
For some reason you need to copy the following commands line one at a time:
alias “+jt” “+jump;” ;
alias “+ta” “-attack; -attack2”;
alias “-jt” “-jump”;
bind x “+jt;+ta;”
Copy the following to use X as a jump throw bind:
Run jump throw bind
In some cases, a run jump throw bind can be beneficial to use. You can throw smokes longer than with a normal jump throw and still be 100% consistent.
This example binds the key X to the run jump throw bind.
alias "+wthrow" "+forward;+jump;"; alias "-wthrow" "-jump;-forward"; bind "n" "+wthrow; +ja"
Increase Volume While Walking
While you want to keep quiet when walking around you also want to listen for any information coming from your opponent.
This bind increases your volume while you walk around, making it helpful to better hear enemy noises. The bind is only active while you hold down SHIFT.
alias +incvol "incrementvar volume 0 2 0.5;+sprint";alias -incvol "incrementvar volume 0 2 -0.5;-sprint"; bind shift +incvol
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